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How to combine has() and gt()

With jQuery 1.4.2, I can't figure out how to combine has() with :gt. I'd like to select any <ul> which contains more than 3 <li> s, so here's what I've tried:

    .each( function() {  
       $(this).css("border", "solid red 1px");  

This does work with the 1.2.6 jQuery library, but not 1.3.2 or 1.4.2. Why?

Try using nth-child :

$('ul').has('li:nth-child(3)').css('border', 'solid red 1px');

Working Example: http://jsbin.com/opape3

This selector didn't work for some reason: $("ul.collapse:has(li:nth-child(3))")

Try .filter()

    return $(this).find("li").length > 4;
    // your code   

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