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How do I execute some code in a superclass after all the subclasses have been constructed?

Is there a way to do this in C#? I know that the subclass will call the superclass constructor before calling its own constructor, but what If I have some code on the superclass that should only be executed after all the subclasses constructors have been called?

One way to achieve this would be to go for a 2 phase construct and initialize. So you construct the instances and then call an initialize method which invoked the base class Initialize in the appropriate order

class MyBase
  // Only if need to do some core initialization
  public MyBase()

  public virtual Initialize()
    // do some initialization stuff here

class MyDerived : MyBase
  // Only if need to do some core initialization
  public MyDerived()

  public override Initialize()
    // do some initialization stuff here

    // Call the base class initialization function

You could do the following, but it is risky (see my Edit below):

public class Parent
    public Parent()

    protected virtual void Initialize()
        // do stuff

public class Child : Parent
    protected override void Initialize()
        // do child stuff


As suggested in Terrence's comment below, this is a risky approach because Initialize() will be executed before Child 's constructor is executed. If there are any fields initialized in Child 's constructor, they won't be ready if they are used by Initialize() . This could cause confusing bugs.

A simple solution would be to give up on the Parent calling Initialize() and instead have the child classes call Initialize() . As others have suggested, another option would be to use the abstract factory pattern.

Here is a simple solution that uses a static factory method:

class Program
    static void Main()
        Child.Create(() => new Child(5));

public abstract class Parent
    protected virtual void Initialize()
        Console.Write(" is the number.");

    public static TChild Create<TChild>(Func<TChild> childGetter)
        where TChild : Parent
        var child = childGetter();
        return child;

public class Child : Parent
    private int _number;

    public Child(int number)
        _number = number;

    protected override void Initialize()

There is nothing built into the C# language that lets you do this. However, using a creation pattern could support it. For example, the Abstract Factory pattern might be helpful here. The base factory would ensure that a method is called on the newly created base class once it has been instantiated as the concrete child type.

class A : B
   public A() : base()

class B : C
   public B() : base()


   public void doSomething() { /* ... */ }

class C
   public C() { /* ... */ }

Execution Order should be:

  1. C::ctor()
  2. B::ctor()
  3. A::ctor()
  4. B::doSomething()

I'm not sure what you mean - can't you just call the code in the super class at the end of our last subclass constructor? Alternatively you could call it directly after instantiation.

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            SubSub obj = new SubSub();                

    class Super
        public Super()
            Console.WriteLine("Constructing Super");
        public void DoStuff()
            Console.WriteLine("Doin' stuff");

    class Sub : Super
        public Sub()
            Console.WriteLine("Constructing Sub");

    class SubSub : Sub
        public SubSub()
            Console.WriteLine("Constructing SubSub");

This will output:

Constructing Super 
Constructing Sub
Constructing SubSub 
Doin' stuff

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