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How to find whether an element exists in std::map?

My use case:

map<string, Car> cars;
bool exists(const string& name) {
  // somehow I should find whether my MAP has a car
  // with the name provided
  return false;

Could you please suggest the best and the most elegant way to do it in C++? Thanks.

return cars.find(name) != cars.end();

Sure, use an iterator

map<string,Car>::const_iterator it = cars.find(name);
return it!=cars.end();

You could also use

bool exists(const string& name) {
  return cars.count(name) != 0;

Apart from the answers with iterator-Value from find() and comparison to .end(), there is another way: map::count.

You can call map::count(key) with a specific key; it will return how many entries exist for the given key. For maps with unique keys, the result will be either 0 or 1. Since multimap exists as well with the same interface, better compare with != 0 for existence to be on the safe side.

for your example, that's

return (cars.count(name)>0);

The advantages I see are 1. shorter code, 2. benefit from whatever optimisations the library may apply internally, using its representation details.

What about:

template <typename KeyType, typename Collection>
bool exists_in(Collection const& haystack, KeyType const& needle) {
    return std::find(haystack.begin(), haystack.end(), needle) != haystack.end();

template <typename K, typename V>
bool exists_in(std::map<K,V> const& haystack, K const& needle) {
    return haystack.find(needle) != haystack.end();

This makes exists_in work with any standard container via std::find and use a special version for std::map since it offers a more efficient searching alternative. You could add additional specializations as necessary (eg, for std::set and others).

bool exists(const string& name)
    return cars.find(name) != cars.end();


return cars.contains(name);

std::map::find(const key_type& x );


bool exists(const std::map<std::string, Car>& cars, const std::string& name) {
  return cars.end() != cars.find(name);
#define itertype(v) typeof((v).begin())
itertype(cars) it = cars.find(name);
return it != cars.end();

This does not answer the question but it might be good to know. You can know if it exists by erasing it.

bool existed = cars.erase( name );

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