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How can I simplify this redundant code?

Can someone please help me simpling this redundant piece of code?

if (isset($to) === true)
    if (is_string($to) === true)
        $to = explode(',', $to);

    $to = array_filter(filter_var_array(preg_replace('~[<>]|%0[ab]|[[:cntrl:]]~i', '', $to), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL));

if (isset($cc) === true)
    if (is_string($cc) === true)
        $cc = explode(',', $cc);

    $cc = array_filter(filter_var_array(preg_replace('~[<>]|%0[ab]|[[:cntrl:]]~i', '', $cc), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL));

if (isset($bcc) === true)
    if (is_string($bcc) === true)
        $bcc = explode(',', $bcc);

    $bcc = array_filter(filter_var_array(preg_replace('~[<>]|%0[ab]|[[:cntrl:]]~i', '', $bcc), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL));

if (isset($from) === true)
    if (is_string($from) === true)
        $from = explode(',', $from);

    $from = array_filter(filter_var_array(preg_replace('~[<>]|%0[ab]|[[:cntrl:]]~i', '', $from), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL));

I tried using variable variables but without success (it's been a long time since I've used them).

Variable variables:

$vars = array('to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'from');
foreach ($vars as $varname) {
    if (isset($$varname)) {
        if (is_string($$varname)) {
            $$varname = explode(',', $$varname);
        $$varname = array_filter(filter_var_array(preg_replace('~[<>]|%0[ab]|[[:cntrl:]]~i', '', $$varname), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL));

Regular (Without using variable variables):

$vars = compact('to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'from'); 
foreach ($vars as $name => &$var) {
    if (is_string($var)) {
        $var = explode(',', $var);
    $var = array_filter(filter_var_array(preg_replace('~[<>]|%0[ab]|[[:cntrl:]]~i', '', $var), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL));
extract ($vars);

Note, you don't need isset, because compact will only import variables that are set. All others are ignored...

BTW: You don't need the === true. isset() or is_string() will always return a boolean. So the === true is redundant...

You could do (untested)

$vars = array($from, $to, $cc, $bcc);

foreach ($vars as $var)
        $var = explode(',', $var);

$from = $vars[0];
$to = $vars[1];
$cc = $vars[2];
$bcc = $vars[3];

Put it in a function?

function validate($str) {
    if (isset($str) === true)
        if (is_string($str) === true)
            $str = explode(',', $str);

        $str = array_filter(filter_var_array(preg_replace('~[<>]|%0[ab]|[[:cntrl:]]~i', '', $str), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL));
    return $str;

$to = validate($to);
$cc = validate($cc);
$bcc = validate($bcc);
$from = validate($from);

I could do this:

You can probably create a function for that:

function checkIt($var)
    if (isset($var) === true)
        if (is_string($var) === true)
          $var = explode(',', $var);

        $to = explode(',', $var);
        $to = array_filter(filter_var_array(preg_replace('~[<>]|%0[ab]|[[:cntrl:]]~i', '', $to), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL));

    return $to;

And now you can pass your variables to this function.

Just stick the values in an array and iterate over it.

function cleanEmails($value) {
    if (is_string($value)) {
        $value = explode(',', $value);
    return array_filter(filter_var_array(preg_replace('~[<>]|%0[ab]|[[:cntrl:]]~i', '', $value), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL));

$fields = array();
if (isset($to)) {
    $fields['to'] = $to;
if (isset($from)) {
    $fields['from'] = $from;
if (isset($cc)) {
    $fields['cc'] = $cc;
if (isset($bcc)) {
    $fields['bcc'] = $bcc;
$result = array_map('cleanEmails', $fields);

The end result will be a 2 dimensional array, first index will be the fields that were set, second index will be the respective email addresses...

Even without going the full variable variables route, you could simplify this a lot just by putting the checks into a common function, and then doing:

$to = cleanup_email_addrs($to);
$cc = cleanup_email_addrs($cc);
$bcc = cleanup_email_addrs($bcc);
$from = cleanup_email_addrs($from);

For starters you can get rid of the isset() === true ; isset() returns either true or false .

And of course put it in a function as all your if statements seem to do the same thing, but that´s been mentioned before...

By the way, does your array_filter line work if the input is not an array() ?

If not, you need to include that statement inside the if (is_string()) statement.

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