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Spring 3 Annotations

I can't get spring annotations to work at all, I'm just trying to get the simplest thing to work...

.../mycontext/something -> invokes method:

@RequestMapping(value = "/something")
public String helloWorld() {
    System.out.println("hello world");
    return "Hello World";

My main problem is no matter how hard I try, I can't find a complete SIMPLE example of the configuration files needed, every spring tutorial is filled with junk, I just one one controller to handle a request with a mapping and can't get it to work

does anyone know of a simple and complete spring example. pet-clinic is no good, it's way too complicated, I have a tiny basic use case and it's proving to be a real pain to get working (this always happens with Spring)

You should try Spring Roo . It will generate a simple Spring application for you using simple commands and then you can incrementally extend it. It is a great tool for learning Spring as well as for rapid application development.

You can also find several examples of Spring 3.0 MVC framework .

the absolute simplest alternative if you're familiar with Eclipse is to use SpringSource Tool Suite (Eclipse plugins)

This product has a tcServer bundled inside.

By default, STS will start with "dashboard" page in the editor window. From here, you can click on creating a controller as demonstrated by this screenshot:


This is a quite simple controller and all you have to do to get it deployed on the bundled tcServer (Tomcat with some extra management features) is to click "next" a few times in the wizard.

That's a very good starting point for doing your own testing!

I'd recommend you checkout some of projects from here

and try going trough book spring in action(manning) they give very good example on how to use aspects

or refer to this question

I endorse this blog post, Layered architecture with Hibernate and Spring . It was a great help for me when I tried to move from the declared xml approach to annotations. It contains the usages of annotations in Entity, Dao and Service layers.

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