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creating PHP C/C++ extension modules using SWIG

I have written some C/C++ extension modules for PHP, using the 'old fashioned way' - ie by using the manual way (as described by Sarah Golemon in her book).

This is too fiddly for me, and since I am lazy, and would like to automate as much as possible. Also, I have used SWIG now to generate extensions to Python, and I am getting to like using it quite a lot.

I am thinking of using SWIG to generate my future PHP extensions. I am using PHP v5.2 (and above) on my production servers.

My questions are:

  1. Is SWIG PHP interface stable yet (ie ready for production)?
  2. If you answered yes to question 1 -are YOU using it in YOUR production site?
  3. Are there any 'gotchas' I need to be aware of when creating PHP extension ,modules using SWIG?

I have extensively used SWIG in production environment for generating PHP wrappers. Its pretty stable and can be used without issues.

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