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How do I select the item with the highest value using LINQ?

Imagine you got a class like this:

class Foo {
    string key;
    int value;

How would you select the Foo with the highest value from an IEnumeralbe<Foo> ?

A basic problem is to keep the number of iterations low (ie at 1), but that affects readability. After all, the best I could find was something along the lines of this:

IEnumerable<Foo> list;
Foo max = list.Aggregate ((l, r) => l.value > r.value ? l : r);

Can you think of a more better way?

Edit: list.OrderByDescending(l => l.value).First(); was my preferred option, but it is not O(n).

You can grab the MaxBy LINQ extension method from Jon Skeet's MoreLinq project. Then it's just:

Foo max = list.MaxBy(f => f.value);

Here's another option:

list.OrderByDescending(l => l.value).First();


list.OrderBy(l => l.value).Last();
Foo foo = list.Max();


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