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openssl api verify the public key matches private key

How do I write an openssl server that on a single port has two different active RSA private keys? The openssl documentation seems to implies there can only be one rsa private key active at time with in a context. So I was thinking I have two active context, but what is the code to handle figuring out which connection matches which context. Or am I going about this the wrong way.

It's kind of an odd thing to want, but it's doable. You can maintain two active SSL_CTX handles, each of which has a different certificate/private key pair loaded.

When you accept a new connection, just pick the right SSL_CTX to generate the new SSL handle from (using SSL_new() ). As for "which connection matches which certificate" - that's up to you to determine. You could decide based on the peer address of the connection, or you might have a plain text protocol prior to starting SSL where the peer identifies the certificate it is expecting.

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