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silverlight, xaml, threading problem

I want to have a thread, that polls the webservice. Howerver the thread doesnt work ...


public class Alpha:Page

        // This method that will be called when the thread is started
        public void polling()
            while (true)


class ...:Page

public Gamedetails_Player2()

            // Required to initialize variables

            Alpha oAlpha = new Alpha();
            Thread poll = new Thread(oAlpha.polling);

            MessageBox.Show("polling started"+poll.IsAlive);

public static void show(){MessageBox.Show("running");}

My Problem is that the Thread is not working ... it shows alive but it makes nothing... when i call it directly it works but i want to have it in as a thread. Im looking forward for answeres

尝试使用BackgroundWorker 在这里您将找到如何实现此目的的文档。

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