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WCF Service in Separate Assembly


I've done it this way:

  • Build your WCF service in a new project of type class library
  • Put your interfaces and implementations in this library in a namespace like MyServiceLib
  • Add to your web project a file like MyService.svc with only one statement, the ServiceHost directive:

     <%@ ServiceHost Service="MyServiceLib.MyService" %> 

    where MyServiceLib is the name of the namespace of your WCF service and MyService the name of your service implementation class. (This simple setup is for the case when you deploy your service as a compliled assembly (in the Bin directory for instance). If you want to deploy with source and let complile on first request you need to put some more attributes to the service host directive (Programming language, Source file, etc.)

  • Put the configuration of the service into web.config in the <system.serviceModel> section.

我更喜欢在自己的程序集中分离我的契约实现 ,这有助于在未来的基础上实现基于相同合同的替代实现。

如果您同时控制服务器和客户端,则可以使用此链接中描述的方法: http//www.dnrtv.com/default.aspx?showNum = 122

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