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WCF Service - service in separate class library

This is my project diagram:

  • MyWCFService
    • (...)
    • web.config
  • Friends.Implementation
    • Friends.svc
      • Friends.svc.cs
  • Friends.Contract
    • IFriends.cs

My endpoint of service:

  <service behaviorConfiguration="ServiceBehaviour" name="Friends.Implementation.Friends">
    <endpoint address="" behaviorConfiguration="web" binding="webHttpBinding" contract="Friends.Contract.IFriends" />

My question is: How can I call this service? When I had that service in "Service" folder in MyWCFService project, it was easy - just localhost:XX/Services/Friends.svc .

And now, how can I run it, if everything is in separate class libraries?


You can create a Services folder in your website root and paste the .svc file there, or you can use service activation :

        <add service="Friends.Implementation.Friends" 

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