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Working on my first json from scratch and I can't seem to figure this simple part out


= link_to 'redeem', redeem_admin_organization_path(organization), :class => 'button_short live redeem'


def redeem
  @organization = Organization.find(params[:id])
  @organization.update_attribute('accumulated_credits', '0')


== $("#organization_#{@organization.id} .redeem").html("#{escape_javascript(link_to('redeem', redeem_admin_organization_path(@organization), :class => 'button_short live redeem'))}");

This is returning the error:

NoMethodError (undefined method `accumulated_credits=' for #<Organization:0x2f3242c>):

Doesn't look like the error is haml or json related -- I think it's in the @organization.accumulated_credits assignment; looks like it doesn't exist

Can you confirm that exists (either through schema.rb or using the console?)

@organization.update_attribute('accumulated_credits', '0')
NoMethodError (undefined method `accumulated_credits=' for #<Organization:0x2f3242c>):

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