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How to remove values from item list

I am new to python. I have a item list looks like this:

rank_item = [ 
    (9, 0.99999999745996648), 
    (8, 0.99999996796861101), 
    (1, 0.99999996796861101), 
    (10, 0.0) ]

The question is how do i remove the item list with value 0.0 and return

[(9, 0.99999999745996648), (8, 0.99999996796861101), (1, 0.99999996796861101)]

Use list.remove - which will modify your rank_item list in-place :

 rank_item.remove( (10, 0.0) )

rank_item will contain:

[(9, 0.99999999745996648), (8, 0.99999996796861101), (1, 0.99999996796861101)]

Or, if you want to remove all tuples from your list, which have a the value 0.0 at position 1, you can try a list comprehension , eg:

[ x for x in rank_item if x[1] != 0.0 ]
[x for x in rank_item if x[1] != 0.0]
>>> [i for i in rank_item if i[1]]
[(9, 0.9999999974599665), (8, 0.999999967968611), (1, 0.999999967968611)]

For a more general case, you can use a list comprehension:

new_list = [(a, b) for a, b in old_list if b != 0]

This would only return the tuples where the second element is different from zero; you can adjust this behavior to fit your needs.

This approach favors a clear labeling of each element, as opposed to using an index.

Speed test:

>>> import timeit
>>> it = lambda : list(filter(lambda x: x[1]!=0, rank_item))
>>> timeit.timeit(it)

>>> it2 = lambda: [x for x in rank_item if x[1] != 0.0]
>>> timeit.timeit(it2)

>>> it3 = lambda: [i for i in rank_item if i[1]]
>>> timeit.timeit(it3)

>>> it4 = lambda: list(itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x[1] != 0, rank_item))
>>> timeit.timeit(it4)

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