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Problem with a custom drawn list view

I created a list view class that uses Custom Draw for its rendering. It all works well except that it doesn't render anything. I subclassed its parent window to catch the NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification as a WM_NOTIFY message. However, it appears that WM_NOTIFY is only triggered a few times during creation of the control and never again after that. So the NM_CUSTOMDRAW code is never executed.

I checked with Winspector Spy so see if the control is laid out correctly in the parent window and that seems to be fine.

Does anyone have a clue about what I may be doing wrong?

The code can be found online:

Why are you drawing text in CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT? You should probably draw your text in CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT and return CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT. Also, you should not use the rect in NMCUSTOMDRAW, call ListView_GetItemRect to get the rect you are really after (LVIR_LABEL for text etc)


I needed to call ShowWindow(mHandle, SW_SHOW); after creating the list view.


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