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Restart Mac OS X ungracefully using a C++ call?

How do I restart Mac OS X using C++ ( not Objetive-C ) without invoking any child processes? Don't care if it's ungraceful .

system("reboot"); //Is not acceptable as it relies on invoking a process

I can't think why you wouldn't want to create a new process, but if you really don't want to, then execve("reboot",0,0) will run reboot , replacing the current process. You'll need to include <unistd.h> .

I'm assuming this is available on Mac OS; it should be on all POSIX platforms.


It appears that Mac OS has a reboot system call. reboot(RB_AUTOBOOT); might do what you want. Or it might trash your hard drive. Be very careful when trying to work against the operating system like this.



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