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Try/Catch for Javascript in mobile safari?

Can I wrap a try/catch around the opening of a URL in mobile safari? I know the question has been asked a number of different ways but essentially what I'm after is the trapping of bad URLs or the detection of when a specific URL cannot be opened by the browser.

If the URL is within the same domain, then you can use an XMLHttpRequest to determine if it returns a valid response.


var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

function handler(){
  if (xhr.readyState != 4)  { return; }
  if (xhr.status != 200) { return "THIS IS A BAD LINK"}

if (xhr != null) {
    xhr.open("GET", URL_YOU_ARE_TESTING, true);
    xhr.onreadystatechange = handler;

However this won't work for links to other sites (which is what I guess you want) due to the browser's same origin policy . I don't believe there is a javascript solution for this case.

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