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How do I match a number inside square brackets with regex

I wrote a regular expression which I expect should work but it doesn't.

var regex = new RegExp('(?<=\[)[0-9]+(?=\])')

JavaScript is giving me the error:

Invalid regular expression :(/(?<=[)[0-9]+(?=])/): Invalid group

Does JavaScript not support lookahead or lookbehind?

This should work:

var regex = /\[[0-9]+\]/;

edit : with a grouping operator to target just the number:

 var regex = /\\[([0-9]+)\\]/;

With this expression, you could do something like this:

 var matches = someStringVar.match(regex); if (null != matches) { var num = matches[1]; }

Lookahead is supported, but not lookbehind. You can get close , with a bit of trickery.

To increment multiple numbers in the form of lets say:

var str = '/a/b/[123]/c/[4567]/[2]/69';


str.replace(/\[(\d+)\]/g, function(m, p1){
 return '['+(p1*1+1)+']' }

//Gives you => '/a/b/[124]/c/[4568]/[3]/69'

如果您要引用 RegExp,请注意双转义反斜杠。

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