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Python `YYYY-MM-DD`

在Python中,从gtk.Calendar::get_date()的输出中获取RFC 3339 YYYY-MM-DD文本的最佳方法是什么?

Thanks to Mark and treeface for the solutions, but it seems I've invented a better one:

year, month, day = cal.get_date()
return '{0:04d}-{1:02d}-{2:02d}'.format(year, month+1, day)

This solution is shorter, easier to understand (in my opinion), and I believe takes less processing as it cuts out the stage where the tuple is converted into UNIX time.

According to the docs , the get_date returns a tuple of (year,month,day), where month 0 to 11 and day is 1 to 31, so:

import datetime
dtTuple = calControl.get_date()
dtObj = datetime.datetime(dtTuple[0], dtTuple[1] + 1, dtTuple[2]) #add one to month to make it 1 to 12
print dtObj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

This might be useful to you:


I've also just looked around for this gtk get_date method and I was able to find some code that handles it like this:

//here replace "self.window.get_date()" with "gtk.Calendar::get_date()"
year, month, day = self.window.get_date()
mytime = time.mktime((year, month+1, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
return time.strftime("%x", time.gmtime(mytime))

So just replace "%x" with "%G-%m-%d" and I think it would work. Or at least it's worth a try.

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