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PHP recursive function problem?

I want to add two different class attributes to my my first and fourth <ol> tags but I really don't know how to add it in my recursive function? can some one help me?

Here is my PHP script.

function make_list ($parent = 0, $parent_url = '') {
    global $link;
    echo '<ol>';

    foreach ($parent as $id => $cat) {
        if($cat['parent_id'] == '0'){
            $url = $parent_url . $cat['url'];
            echo '<li><a href="' . $url . '" title="' . $cat['category'] . ' Category Link" style="color: orange; font-weight: bold;">' . $cat['category'] . '</a>';            
        } else {
            $url = $parent_url . $cat['url'];
            // Display the item:
            echo '<li><a href="' . $url . '" title="' . $cat['category'] . ' Category Link">' . $cat['category'] . '</a>';

        if (isset($link[$id])) {
            make_list($link[$id], $url);
        echo '</li>';
    echo '</ol>';

$mysqli = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "sitename");
$dbc = mysqli_query($mysqli,"SELECT * FROM categories ORDER BY parent_id, category ASC");
if (!$dbc) {
    print mysqli_error();

$link = array();

while (list($id, $parent_id, $category, $url, $depth) = mysqli_fetch_array($dbc)) {
    $link[$parent_id][$id] =  array('parent_id' => $parent_id, 'category' => $category, 'url' => $url, 'depth' => $depth);



   <li>First Nested List</li>
   <li>First Nested List</li>
   <li>First Nested List
        <li>Second Nested List</li>
        <li>Second Nested List</li>
        <li>Second Nested List
            <li>Third Nested List</li>
            <li>Third Nested List</li>
            <li>Third Nested List
                <li>Fourth Nested List</li>
                <li>Fourth Nested List</li>
                <li>Fourth Nested List</li>
            <li>Third Nested List</li>
            <li>Third Nested List</li>
        <li>Second Nested List</li>
        <li>Second Nested List</li>
   <li>First Nested List</li>
   <li>First Nested List</li>

Just add depth as a parameter. Then check if its 0 or 4 or whatever you need.

function make_list ($parent = 0, $parent_url = '', $depth=0) {
make_list($link[$id], $url, $depth+1);

Add a global $num_links variable. Whenever you emit an <ol> , increase it. Add the attributes when it hits the values you want.

However, if you're doing this, there's probably a mismatch between the function you've chosen and the task you're solving... "The first or the fourth" is likely not the real condition you want to check.

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