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python subprocess with timeout and large output (>64K)

I want to execute a process, limit the execution-time by some timeout in seconds and grab the output produced by the process. And I want to do this on windows, linux and freebsd.

I have tried implementing this in three different ways:

  1. cmd - Without timeout and subprocess.PIPE for output capture.

    BEHAVIOUR: Operates as expected but does not support timeout, i need timeout...

  2. cmd_to - With timeout and subprocess.PIPE for output capture.

    BEHAVIOUR: Blocks subprocess execution when output >= 2^16 bytes.

  3. cmd_totf - With timeout and tempfile.NamedTemporaryfile for output capture.

    BEHAVIOUR: Operates as expected but uses temporary files on disk.

These are available below for closer inspection.

As can be seen in the output below, then the timeout-code blocks the execution of the sub-process when using subprocessing.PIPE and output from the subprocess is >= 2^16 bytes.

The subprocess documentation states that this is expected when calling process.wait() and using subprocessing.PIPE, however no warnings are given when using process.poll(), so what is going wrong here?

I have a solution in cmd_totf which use the tempfile module but the tradeoff is that it writes the output to disk, something I would REALLY like to avoid.

So my questions are:

  • What am I doing wrong in cmd_to?
  • Is there a way to do what I want and without using tempfiles / keeping the output in memory.

Script to generate a bunch of output ('exp_gen.py'):

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
output  = "b"*int(sys.argv[1])
print output

Three different implementations (cmd, cmd_to, cmd_totf) of wrappers around subprocessing.Popen:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess, time, tempfile
bufsize = -1

def cmd(cmdline, timeout=60):
  Execute cmdline.
  Uses subprocessing and subprocess.PIPE.

  p = subprocess.Popen(
    bufsize = bufsize,
    shell   = False,
    stdin   = subprocess.PIPE,
    stdout  = subprocess.PIPE,
    stderr  = subprocess.PIPE

  out, err    = p.communicate()
  returncode  = p.returncode

  return (returncode, err, out)

def cmd_to(cmdline, timeout=60):
  Execute cmdline, limit execution time to 'timeout' seconds.
  Uses subprocessing and subprocess.PIPE.

  p = subprocess.Popen(
    bufsize = bufsize,
    shell   = False,
    stdin   = subprocess.PIPE,
    stdout  = subprocess.PIPE,
    stderr  = subprocess.PIPE

  t_begin         = time.time()             # Monitor execution time
  seconds_passed  = 0  

  while p.poll() is None and seconds_passed < timeout:
    seconds_passed = time.time() - t_begin

  #if seconds_passed > timeout:
  #  try:
  #    p.stdout.close()  # If they are not closed the fds will hang around until
  #    p.stderr.close()  # os.fdlimit is exceeded and cause a nasty exception
  #    p.terminate()     # Important to close the fds prior to terminating the process!
  #                      # NOTE: Are there any other "non-freed" resources?
  #  except:
  #    pass
  #  raise TimeoutInterrupt

  out, err    = p.communicate()
  returncode  = p.returncode

  return (returncode, err, out)

def cmd_totf(cmdline, timeout=60):
  Execute cmdline, limit execution time to 'timeout' seconds.
  Uses subprocessing and tempfile instead of subprocessing.PIPE.

  output  = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
  error   = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)

  p = subprocess.Popen(
    bufsize = 0,
    shell   = False,
    stdin   = None,
    stdout  = output,
    stderr  = error

  t_begin         = time.time()             # Monitor execution time
  seconds_passed  = 0  

  while p.poll() is None and seconds_passed < timeout:
    seconds_passed = time.time() - t_begin

  #if seconds_passed > timeout:
  #  try:
  #    p.stdout.close()  # If they are not closed the fds will hang around until
  #    p.stderr.close()  # os.fdlimit is exceeded and cause a nasty exception
  #    p.terminate()     # Important to close the fds prior to terminating the process!
  #                      # NOTE: Are there any other "non-freed" resources?
  #  except:
  #    pass
  #  raise TimeoutInterrupt


  returncode  = p.returncode

  fd          = open(output.name)
  out         = fd.read()

  fd  = open(error.name)
  err = fd.read()


  return (returncode, err, out)

if __name__ == "__main__":

  implementations = [cmd, cmd_to, cmd_totf]
  bytes     = ['65535', '65536', str(1024*1024)]
  timeouts  = [5]

  for timeout in timeouts:    
    for size in bytes:    
      for i in implementations:
        t_begin         = time.time()
        seconds_passed  = 0        
        rc, err, output = i(['exp_gen.py', size], timeout)
        seconds_passed = time.time() - t_begin
        filler = ' '*(8-len(i.func_name))
        print "[%s%s:  timeout=%d,  iosize=%s,  seconds=%f]" % (repr(i.func_name), filler, timeout, size, seconds_passed)

Output from execution:

['cmd'     :  timeout=5,  iosize=65535,  seconds=0.016447]
['cmd_to'  :  timeout=5,  iosize=65535,  seconds=0.103022]
['cmd_totf':  timeout=5,  iosize=65535,  seconds=0.107176]
['cmd'     :  timeout=5,  iosize=65536,  seconds=0.028105]
['cmd_to'  :  timeout=5,  iosize=65536,  seconds=5.116658]
['cmd_totf':  timeout=5,  iosize=65536,  seconds=0.104905]
['cmd'     :  timeout=5,  iosize=1048576,  seconds=0.025964]
['cmd_to'  :  timeout=5,  iosize=1048576,  seconds=5.128062]
['cmd_totf':  timeout=5,  iosize=1048576,  seconds=0.103183]

As opposed to all the warnings in the subprocess documentation then directly reading from process.stdout and process.stderr has provided a better solution.

By better I mean that I can read output from a process that exceeds 2^16 bytes without having to temporarily store the output on disk.

The code follows:

import fcntl
import os
import subprocess
import time

def nonBlockRead(output):
    fd = output.fileno()
    fl = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL)
    fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NONBLOCK)
        return output.read()
        return ''

def cmd(cmdline, timeout=60):
    Execute cmdline, limit execution time to 'timeout' seconds.
    Uses the subprocess module and subprocess.PIPE.

    Raises TimeoutInterrupt

    p = subprocess.Popen(
        bufsize = bufsize, # default value of 0 (unbuffered) is best
        shell   = False, # not really needed; it's disabled by default
        stdout  = subprocess.PIPE,
        stderr  = subprocess.PIPE

    t_begin = time.time() # Monitor execution time
    seconds_passed = 0

    stdout = ''
    stderr = ''

    while p.poll() is None and seconds_passed < timeout: # Monitor process
        time.sleep(0.1) # Wait a little
        seconds_passed = time.time() - t_begin

        # p.std* blocks on read(), which messes up the timeout timer.
        # To fix this, we use a nonblocking read()
        # Note: Not sure if this is Windows compatible
        stdout += nonBlockRead(p.stdout)
        stderr += nonBlockRead(p.stderr)

    if seconds_passed >= timeout:
            p.stdout.close()  # If they are not closed the fds will hang around until
            p.stderr.close()  # os.fdlimit is exceeded and cause a nasty exception
            p.terminate()     # Important to close the fds prior to terminating the process!
                              # NOTE: Are there any other "non-freed" resources?

        raise TimeoutInterrupt

    returncode  = p.returncode

    return (returncode, stdout, stderr)

Disclaimer: This answer is not tested on windows, nor freebsd. But the used modules should work on these systems. I believe this should be a working answer to your question - it works for me.

Here's code I just hacked to solve the problem on linux. It is a combination of several Stackoverflow threads and my own research in the Python 3 documents.

Main characteristics of this code:

  • Uses processes not threads for blocking I/O because they can more reliably be p.terminated()
  • Implements a retriggerable timeout watchdog that restarts counting whenever some output happens
  • Implements a long-term timeout watchdog to limit overall runtime
  • Can feed in stdin (although I only need to feed in one-time short strings)
  • Can capture stdout/stderr in the usual Popen means (Only stdout is coded, and stderr redirected to stdout; but can easily be separated)
  • It's almost realtime because it only checks every 0.2 seconds for output. But you could decrease this or remove the waiting interval easily
  • Lots of debugging printouts still enabled to see whats happening when.

The only code dependency is enum as implemented here , but the code could easily be changed to work without. It's only used to distinguish the two timeouts - use separate exceptions if you like.

Here's the code - as usual - feedback is highly appreciated: (Edit 29-Jun-2012 - the code is now actually working)

# Python module runcmd
# Implements a class to launch shell commands which
# are killed after a timeout. Timeouts can be reset
# after each line of output
# Use inside other script with:
# import runcmd
# (return_code, out) = runcmd.RunCmd(['ls', '-l', '/etc'],
#                                    timeout_runtime,
#                                    timeout_no_output,
#                                    stdin_string).go()

import multiprocessing
import queue
import subprocess
import time

import enum

def timestamp():
    return time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')

class ErrorRunCmd(Exception): pass
class ErrorRunCmdTimeOut(ErrorRunCmd): pass

class Enqueue_output(multiprocessing.Process):
    def __init__(self, out, queue):
        self.out = out
        self.queue = queue
        self.daemon = True
    def run(self):
            for line in iter(self.out.readline, b''):
                #print('worker read:', line)
        except ValueError: pass # Readline of closed file
class Enqueue_input(multiprocessing.Process):
    def __init__(self, inp, iterable):
        self.inp = inp
        self.iterable = iterable
        self.daemon = True
    def run(self):
        #print("writing stdin")
        for line in self.iterable:
        #print("writing stdin DONE")

class RunCmd():
    """RunCmd - class to launch shell commands

    Captures and returns stdout. Kills child after a given
    amount (timeout_runtime) wallclock seconds. Can also
    kill after timeout_retriggerable wallclock seconds.
    This second timer is reset whenever the child does some

       (return_code, out) = RunCmd(['ls', '-l', '/etc'],

    Timeout = enum.Enum('No','Retriggerable','Runtime')

    def __init__(self, cmd, timeout_runtime, timeout_retriggerable, stdin=None):
        self.dbg = False
        self.cmd = cmd
        self.timeout_retriggerable = timeout_retriggerable
        self.timeout_runtime = timeout_runtime
        self.timeout_hit = self.Timeout.No
        self.stdout = '--Cmd did not yield any output--'
        self.stdin = stdin
    def read_queue(self, q):
        time_last_output = None
            bstr = q.get(False) # non-blocking
            if self.dbg: print('{} chars read'.format(len(bstr)))
            time_last_output = time.time()
            self.stdout += bstr
        except queue.Empty:
            #print('queue empty')
        return time_last_output
    def go(self):
        if self.stdin:
            pstdin = subprocess.PIPE
            pstdin = None
        p = subprocess.Popen(self.cmd, shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=pstdin)
        pin = None
        if (pstdin):
            pin = Enqueue_input(p.stdin, [self.stdin + '\n'])
        q = multiprocessing.Queue()
        pout = Enqueue_output(p.stdout, q)
            if self.dbg: print('Beginning subprocess with timeout {}/{} s on {}'.format(self.timeout_retriggerable, self.timeout_runtime, time.asctime()))
            time_begin = time.time()
            time_last_output = time_begin
            seconds_passed = 0
            self.stdout = b''
            once = True                 # ensure loop's executed at least once
                                        # some child cmds may exit very fast, but still produce output
            while once or p.poll() is None or not q.empty():
                once = False
                if self.dbg: print('a) {} of {}/{} secs passed and overall {} chars read'.format(seconds_passed, self.timeout_retriggerable, self.timeout_runtime, len(self.stdout)))

                tlo = self.read_queue(q)
                if tlo:
                    time_last_output = tlo

                now = time.time()
                if now - time_last_output >= self.timeout_retriggerable:
                    self.timeout_hit = self.Timeout.Retriggerable
                    raise ErrorRunCmdTimeOut(self)
                if now - time_begin >= self.timeout_runtime:
                    self.timeout_hit = self.Timeout.Runtime
                    raise ErrorRunCmdTimeOut(self)

                if q.empty():
            # Final try to get "last-millisecond" output
            self._close(p, [pout, pin])            
        return (self.returncode, self.stdout)               

    def _close(self, p, procs):
        if self.dbg:
            if self.timeout_hit != self.Timeout.No:
                print('{} A TIMEOUT occured: {}'.format(timestamp(), self.timeout_hit))
                print('{} No timeout occured'.format(timestamp()))
        for process in [proc for proc in procs if proc]:
                print('{} Process termination raised trouble'.format(timestamp()))
        except: pass
        if self.dbg: print('{} _closed stdin'.format(timestamp()))
            p.stdout.close()    # If they are not closed the fds will hang around until
        except: pass
        if self.dbg: print('{} _closed stdout'.format(timestamp()))
            #p.stderr.close()   # os.fdlimit is exceeded and cause a nasty exception
            p.terminate()       # Important to close the fds prior to terminating the process!
                                # NOTE: Are there any other "non-freed" resources?
        except: pass
        if self.dbg: print('{} _closed Popen'.format(timestamp()))
            self.stdout = self.stdout.decode('utf-8')
        except: pass
        self.returncode = p.returncode
        if self.dbg: print('{} _closed all'.format(timestamp()))

Use with:

import runcmd

cmd = ['ls', '-l', '/etc']

worker = runcmd.RunCmd(cmd,
                       40,    # limit runtime [wallclock seconds]
                       2,     # limit runtime after last output [wallclk secs]
                       ''     # stdin input string
(return_code, out) = worker.go()

if worker.timeout_hit != worker.Timeout.No:
    print('A TIMEOUT occured: {}'.format(worker.timeout_hit))
    print('No timeout occured')

print("Running '{:s}' returned {:d} and {:d} chars of output".format(cmd, return_code, len(out)))

command - the first argument - should be a list of a command and its arguments. It is used for the Popen(shell=False) call and its timeouts are in seconds. There's currently no code to disable the timeouts. Set timeout_no_output to time_runtime to effectively disable the retriggerable timeout_no_output . stdin_string can be any string which is to be sent to the command's standard input. Set to None if your command does not need any input. If a string is provided, a final '\\n' is appended.

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