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JSF2 DataBinding Problem

I have a little issue regarding submit of forms in jsf 2:

In my webapp I got a function that updates entities in my db. This function gets the relative data out of a managed bean.

So, my issue is that changes in my view are not passed to the managedBean. To make that clear for you, here an example:

 public String updateProject() {
  return ("overview.xhtml");

prjectData is my ManagedBean. This one doesn't work! No updates are been made.

 public String deleteProject() {
  return ("overview.xhtml");

Here, when I change a value by code it works! So I guess my values out of the view are not passed to my managedBean.

Where could be a mistake? Is there maybe an action I have to invoke to make the data pass my view to the managedBean?

Answer to Gabor's comment:

My page looks like:

 <h:commandLink action="#{controller.updateProject}" value="Edit" />
 <h:outputLabel for="title" value="Titel" /> 
 <h:inputText id="title" value="#{projectData.projectDTO.title}" />

If I change the title here and press update nothing happens ;-)

My Controller looks like:

public class Controller {

    @ManagedProperty(value = "#{projectData}")
    private ProjectData projectData;

For unknown reason my debug mode in eclipse doesn't work anymore it ignores my breakpoints all the time. I gonna fix that and then I'll check about the instances. Sry -.-

Either projectData or projectDTO is not the right instance as you expect it to be. It's a completely different instance. Aren't you eagerly recreating/overriding beans? Don't you have multiple beans in the scope? Shouldn't it for example be #{controller.projectData.projectDTO.title} ? Shouldn't the projectData instance in the controller be a managed property?

Is your projectData bean also RequestScoped? Try to change to ViewScoped. RequestScoped beans are recreated for each request, also ajax request. And what is scope of projectService?

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