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JSF2 Managed Bean Reference Problem: CDI Injection?

I have a managed bean called:

public class configBean implements Serializable { 

that instantiates a class/bean (that isn't a managed bean its a standard class):

com.package.class variableName = new com.package.class(); 

& a number of objects are created/set from this class eg:

variableName.setCached( true );

And I have another bean, which at the moment is simply called:

public class testBean implements Serializable { 

& basically I want to reference/implement the ' variableName ' instantiation in my testBean like so:

    if( !( variableName.isCached() ) )
        System.out.println( "cry yourself to sleep foo..");
        System.out.println( "your not as useless as you look");

From what I've seen it looks as though Bean Injection is what I am looking for? However I haven't got it working yet so was hoping someone could knock-up a quick example so I know I am on the right lines!


Since both configBean and testBean are managed beans you can reference them like this:

public class testBean implements Serializable { 

   private ConfigBean configBean;


   ... configBean.getVariableName().isCached()...

Following code in testBean

private configBean configBean;

public configBean getConfigBean()
    return configBean;

public void setConfigBean(configBean configBean)
    this.configBean = configBean;

Then you can access variableName with


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