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What is the reason for an unhandled win32 exception in an installer program?

I got the following message:

An unhandled win32 exception occurred in numpy-1.5.0-sse3.exe [3324].

The exception occurred in the Numpy installer for Python 2.7---I have the latter on the machine.

When I clicked "Yes" for using the selected debugger, I got the following message:

The Application Data folder for Visual Studio could not be created.

I don't have admin privileges.

Is this the reason for the exception, or is there some other reason?

This is not the reason for the exception. Instead, when you tried to debug the original problem, you encountered a problem with Visual Studio. The Visual Studio error is resolved in the following manner:

Check your registry under the following path:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders

Under there should be an entry for AppData. The key value should be like so:


If it isn't, change it to the above value and your program should now work.

As for the original error, we really don't have enough information to comment intelligently.

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