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navigating a .Docset file in iphone app

I want to use a Docset i have created using Doxygen in my iPad app in a tableview, and navigate through the directories. then display the file i click.

How would i go about navigating the Docset? i can unzip it, then navigate the directories in that manner, though i'm certain there must be a way of using the file as is and then being able to run search queries on the database, etc.

Could someone please give me a pointer in the direction i should be looking?

Thank you very much

If you look inside of a docset bundle, there is a compiled .mom file (CoreData) and a couple of plist files (with various extensions). I do not think there is a straightforward way to consume all that data without knowing the schemas.

You should probably create your own core data schema, and index the HTML contents of the docset manually at the first run of your app, and reuse that for searching and such.

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