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Oracle (?) DB dump file

I have a legacy DB dump file which starts off something like this:

^@    Mon Jan 11 09:02:31 2010

From the "EXPORT:V07.03.04", and from the data I do have, I am assuming this is an Oracle DB dump (v7). Which tools do I have available to import this data?

Thanks everybody for the help. I ended up installing Oracle XE 10g, and using it to import the dump files - worked perfectly.

Yes, it looks like an Oracle dump format. You can use the imp command:

imp userid=user/passwd file=file.dmp ignore=y

Use ignore=y to skip tables that already exist (imp will give an error if the object is re-created). Depending on what you whant to import from the dump you may also have to use other flags, such as full=y (Grants and constraints are automatically included).


imp help=yes

for all options of this command.

Oracle imp is the counterpart to exp which created this file.


"On a machine which currently has no Oracle installation, what would be the fastest way to import this data so I can export it to other formats and work with it?"

The file is an Oracle proprietary format. So the easiest way of working with it would be to install an Oracle database and use IMP to load it. You can use pretty much any version of Oracle as the target because IMP has backwards compatibility going way back. If you have an Oracle Support account the relevant note is id=132904.1 .

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