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combining multiple mysql queries into one

im learning Mysql commands and methods of combine multiple queries , so in order to gain that goal , now i need to combine these queries :

    list($TotalVisitsToday) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT  COUNT(DISTINCT ip_address) FROM table_iptracking WHERE `date_time` between '$yesterday' and '$today' "));
    list($TotalVisitsYesterday) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT  COUNT(DISTINCT ip_address) FROM table_iptracking WHERE `date_time` between '$yesterday_1' and '$yesterday'  "));

    list($TotalPVisitsToday) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT count(ipid) FROM table_iptracking WHERE `date_time` between '$yesterday' and '$today'"));
    list($TotalPVisitsYesterday) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT count(ipid) FROM table_iptracking WHERE `date_time` between '$yesterday_1' and '$yesterday'"));

    list($TotalCrawlers) = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT count(ipid) FROM table_iptracking WHERE  hostname LIKE '%crawl%' "));

i have no clue on how to mix the above lines !

You could form the SQL statement into a UNION, something like...

    FROM table_iptracking
    WHERE `date_time` between '$yesterday' and '$today'
    FROM table_iptracking
    WHERE `date_time` between '$yesterday_1' and '$yesterday'
SELECT count(ipid)
    FROM table_iptracking
    WHERE `date_time` between '$yesterday' and '$today'
SELECT count(ipid)
    FROM table_iptracking
    WHERE `date_time` between '$yesterday_1' and '$yesterday'
SELECT count(ipid)
    FROM table_iptracking
    WHERE hostname LIKE '%crawl%'

I can't say that I would recommend this, though. A result set where different rows mean different things is likely to prove troublesome in the long run.

I'm not sure about your final goal, but if you just want it in one query, you can do it like this:

(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ip_address) FROM table_iptracking WHERE 'date_time' between '$yesterday' and '$today') COUNT1,
(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ip_address) FROM table_iptracking WHERE 'date_time' between '$yesterday_1' and     '$yesterday') COUNT2,
(SELECT COUNT(ipid) FROM table_iptracking WHERE 'date_time' between '$yesterday' and '$today') COUNT3,
(SELECT COUNT(ipid) FROM table_iptracking WHERE 'date_time' between '$yesterday_1' and '$yesterday') COUNT4,
(SELECT COUNT(ipid) FROM table_iptracking WHERE  hostname LIKE '%crawl%') COUNT5

(you can omit the FROM caluse in MySQL)

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