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Ruby Get Array From Objects Returned in a Block

In Ruby, on certain occasions (ruby/gosu/texplay) I'v seen code like the following used:

image.paint {
    circle 20, 20
    pixel 10, 10

Would it be possible for me to write a similar function that can be used like so?:

my_function {

that would return and array: ["one", "two", "three"]

ps this function isn't just for generating arrays and I am not wondering about methods to do so, all I need to know about is the syntax. Thanks in advance, ell.

TexPlay looks nice, how do you find it? :)

I can't think of a way to do what you want, sorry. But if you prefix every string with _ it is easy:

function {

#=> ["one", "two", "three"]


def function(&block)
    Object.new.tap do |s| 
        s.instance_eval do            
            def _(var)
                @val ||= []
                @val << var

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