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How to serialize class members as attributes to xml in C#

I am trying to serialize my object to xml. A serializer seemingly serializes all data members as children, but I want to serialize all members as attributes, not children.

Here's a code example:

public class MyDataClass
  int foo = 24;
  string bar = "brabrabra";

This will be serialized as following xml when I use DataContractSerializer:

<MyDataClass xmlns="..." xmlns:i="...">

However, I want to serialize it as following xml somehow:

<MyDataClass xmlns="..." xmlns:i="..." foo="24" bar="brabrabra" />

Is there any way to serialize like that? Or, should I write my own serializer to realize it? For reference, I am using DataContract serializer in this sample, but I can change it to a normal XmlSerializer or another one if there's a better one.

Hope someone knows about this.


Have a look at XMLAttribute . Only works with XMLSerializer though.

You can use a simple XmlSerializer to achieve this, in the following way:

public class SerializationTest2
    public string MemberA { get; set; }

public void TestSerialization()
    var d2 = new SerializationTest2();
    d2.MemberA = "test";
    new XmlSerializer(typeof(SerializationTest2))
        .Serialize(File.OpenWrite(@"c:\temp\ser2.xml"), d2);

Put [XmlAttribute] before foo and bar declaration.

Great ref: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.xml.serialization.xmlserializer.aspx

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