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temp folder is created as temp file

guys i have experienced a weird thing today. i am installing tomcat5 , and it stopped in the middle of progress bar. and i use process explorer to check the processes. i found a process with command line :

C:\\TEMP\\nse305.tmp\\ns306.tmp "C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Tomcat 5.0\\bin\\tomcat5.exe" //IS//Tomcat5 .....

the weird thing is the first part: C:\\TEMP\\nse305.tmp\\ns306.tmp it supposed to be a path(folder) , i mean the nse305.tmp and ns306.tmp should be a temp folder name. but when i check this path, i found nse305.tmp is folder, but ns306.tmp is a file!!!

that's why the process freeze, it is trying to run a tmp file: C:\\TEMP\\nse305.tmp\\ns306.tmp and since ns306.tmp is not an executable, the process never end.

so i wonder : why the ns306.tmp is created as a file , not folder? i am sure it's my pc's problem. the tomcat installation runs well in my workmate's pc. is there any setting of OS , that will prefer to create file, instead of folder?

i have some experience like this: copy a.txt c:\\b
what i want is that : the "copy" create a new folder "b", and place a.txt in it. but actually it don't create any folder, just copy and rename the file with name "b" .

i think these two situatiosn are a little similar. but i don't know how to fix my Tomcat5 installation.

i have read the Tomcat5.0.28.nsi file. the original code to run is :

nsExec::ExecToLog '"$INSTDIR\\bin\\tomcat5.exe" //IS//Tomcat5 --DisplayName "Apache Tomcat" --Description "Apache Tomcat @VERSION@ Server - http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/ " --LogPath "$INSTDIR\\logs" --Install "$INSTDIR\\bin\\tomcat5.exe" --Jvm "$2"'

any suggestion?


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