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Creating a base class based in List<T>

I have a need to create a couple of classes that will serve as base classes for some data functionality I want to implement.

The first, we'll call SessionObjectDataItem looks like this ...

public class ObjectSessionDataItem
  public int ID { get; set; }

  public bool IsDirty { get; set; }

  public bool IsNew { get; set; }

  public bool IsRemoved { get; set; }

And next I want a List called ObjectSessionDataList and this is where I get stuck.

I can create the class OK ...

public class SessionObjectDataList<SessionObjectDataItem> : List<SessionObjectDataItem>


where I fall down is trying to define properties on the list that access items in it. For example, I want to write...

public List<SessionObjectDataItem> DirtyItems
        return this.Where(d => d.IsDirty).ToList();

but VS refuses to recognise the SessionObjectDataItem property IsDirty inside the List object definition.

What I'm trying to end up with is a case where I might define

public class AssociatedDocument : SessionObjectDataItem

public class DocumentList : SessionObjectDataList


And then be able to say...

DocumentList list = new DocumentList();
foreach(AssociatedDocument doc in list.DirtyItems)

Can I actually do what it is that I'm attempting? Am I just doing it wrong?

Generic constraints will help here; you can write a container-class for which the generic type-parameter is constrained to be SessionObjectDataItem or one of its subtypes. This will allow you to construct a generic class that can hold instances of a specific sub-type of SessionObjectDataItem .

public class SessionObjectDataList<T> : List<T> where T : SessionObjectDataItem
    public SessionObjectDataList<T> DirtyItems
           return this.Where(d => d.IsDirty).ToList();


var list = new SessionObjectDataList<AssociatedDocument>();

foreach(AssociatedDocument doc in list.DirtyItems)

Try to use the generic version Where<T> of the queryable interface:

public List<SessionObjectDataItem> DirtyItems
        return this.AsQueryAble().Where<SessionObjectDataItem>(d => d.IsDirty).ToList();

Else Where simply assumes d as type Object.

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