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What's the best way to mapping /newyork to /area.jsp?id=1?

I'm using


and want create a mapping path


mapping to /area.jsp?id=1

How do I do this best?

Note: I'm using Resin(java) + Nginx

Use nginx's rewrite module to map that one URL to the area.jsp?id=1 URL


This is my idea, create a filter in your web application , when u receive a request like /area.jsp?id=1 , in doFilter method , forward the request to http://example.com/newyork .

In web.xml :


Write the following class and place it in WEB-INF/classses :

class RedirectFilter implements Filter 
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, 
                     ServletResponse response, 
                     FilterChain chain)
    throws IOException, ServletException

      String scheme = req.getScheme(); // http 
      String serverName = req.getServerName(); // example.com 
      int serverPort = req.getServerPort(); // 80 
      String contextPath = req.getContextPath(); // /mywebapp 
      String servletPath = req.getServletPath(); // /servlet/MyServlet 
      String pathInfo = req.getPathInfo(); // area.jsp?id=1 
      String queryString = req.getQueryString(); 
      if (pathInfo.IndexOf("area.jsp") > 1) 
          pathInfo   = "/newyork"; 
          String url = scheme+"://"+serverName+contextPath+pathInfo; 
          forward(request, response);
     } else
        chain.doFilter(request, response);

In your database where you store these area IDs, add a column called "slug" and populate it with the names you want to use. The "slug" for id 1 would be "newyork". Now when a request comes in for one of these URLs, look up the row by "slug" instead of by id.

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