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How do I configure PHP + Apache on Amazon EC2?

I am new to this of course.

I am trying to configure PHP and Apache on a new Amazon EC2 AMI. This is a very lightweight server so the Micro instance fits the bill.

I just need Apache PHP

I ran

 sudo yum install apache2
 sudo yum install php

I copied info.php to /var/www/html

info.php only contains

<? phpinfo(); ?>

when i browse to http://www.example.com/info.php Apache serves info.php but it does not render it. I looks like apache is not configured to handle php files. What step or steps am I missing?


First try using full tags, so your script would be.

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

instead of <? ?> <? ?>

If no luck, try:

sudo yum remove php
sudo yum install php

then service httpd restart

Alternatively try using one of the pre-built AMI's. Community AMI's have several LAMP configurations.

Just for those who get here from Google, try this:

sudo yum install -y php
sudo yum -y install httpd

If you need development versions:

sudo yum install -y php-devel
sudo yum -y install httpd

If you need Apache 2.4 and PHP 5.4:

sudo yum install -y php54
sudo yum -y install httpd24

From: Install Apache, PHP, and MySQL on Amazon Linux Install Apache 2.4, PHP 5.4, and MySQL on Amazon Linux

Just tar your info.php;

Upload it to another public directory;

Get the file to ec2 with wget;

Untar the file.

That's it ;)

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