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How do I find out which grid row was clicked for contextmenu?

I've got a custom layout which is like a grid. I registered it for contextmenu. Now if I do a long click on it, I'd like to know the position where the user clicked on. I have to let my custom layout implement MenuInfo right? But what about the click position?

public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    switch (item.getItemId()) {
        case DELETE_ID:
            AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo info=



In onContextItemSelected() , if the context menu is for an AdapterView (eg, GridView ), you can cast the item.getMenuInfo() object to an AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo object. That object has an id and a position field. The id is the _ID if you are using a CursorAdapter . The position is the index into your adapter.

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