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Replace Backslashes with Forward Slashes in Python

I'm writing a cross platform file explorer in python. I am trying to convert any backslashes in a path into forward slashes in order to deal with all paths in one format.

I've tried not only using string.replace(str, '\\\\', '/'), but also creating a method manually to search through the string and replace the instances, and both do not work properly, as a path name such as:


changes to:


I am assuming that this has something to do with how Python represents escape characters or something of the sort. How do I prevent this happening?

You should use os.path for this kind of stuff. In Python 3, you can also use pathlib to represent paths in a portable manner, so you don't have to worry about things like slashes anymore.

Doesn't this work:

    >>> s = 'a\\b'
    >>> s
    >>> print s
    >>> s.replace('\\','/')



Of course this is a string-based solution, and using os.path is wiser if you're dealing with filesystem paths.

Elaborating this answer , with pathlib you can use the as_posix method:

>>> import pathlib
>>> p = pathlib.PureWindowsPath(r'\dir\anotherdir\foodir\more')
>>> print(p)    
>>> print(p.as_posix())
>>> str(p)
>>> str(p.as_posix())

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