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Fail fast finally clause in Java

Is there a way to detect, from within the finally clause, that an exception is in the process of being thrown?

See the example below:

try {
    // code that may or may not throw an exception
} finally {
    // if currently executing an exception, exit the program,
    // otherwise just let the exception thrown by the function
    // above propagate

or is ignoring one of the exceptions the only thing you can do?

In C++ it doesn't even let you ignore one of the exceptions and just calls terminate(). Most other languages use the same rules as java.

Set a flag variable, then check for it in the finally clause, like so:

boolean exceptionThrown = true;
try {
   exceptionThrown = false;
} finally {
   if (exceptionThrown) {
      // Whatever you want to do

If you find yourself doing this, then you might have a problem with your design. The idea of a "finally" block is that you want something done regardless of how the method exits. Seems to me like you don't need a finally block at all, and should just use the try-catch blocks:

try {
   doSomethingDangerous(); // can throw exception
} catch (Exception ex) {

If a function throws and you want to catch the exception, you'll have to wrap the function in a try block, it's the safest way. So in your example:

try {
    // ...
} finally {
    try {
    } catch(Throwable t) { //or catch whatever you want here
        // exception handling code, or just ignore it

Do you mean you want the finally block to act differently depending on whether the try block completed successfully?

If so, you could always do something like:

boolean exceptionThrown = false;
try {
    // ...
} catch(Throwable t) {
    exceptionThrown = true;
    // ...
} finally {
    try {
    } catch(Throwable t) { 
        if(exceptionThrown) ...

That's getting pretty convoluted, though... you might want to think of a way to restructure your code to make doing this unnecessary.

No I do not believe so. The catch block will run to completion before the finally block.

try {
    // code that may or may not throw an exception
} catch {
// catch block must exist.
finally {
// this portion is ran after catch block finishes

Otherwise you can add a synchronize() object that the exception code will use, that you can check in the finally block, which would help you identify if in a seperate thread you are running an exception.

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