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Creating string with libxml2 (c++)

My problem is that I want to create xml tree and get a simple string object (or even char*). And I can't save xml to file.

So in the input I have xmlDocPtr with complete xml tree and want to get string containing xml but without using files.

Thx for attention.

Use xmlDocDumpMemory or any of its cousins. Usage:

void xml_to_string(xmlDocPtr doc, std::string &out)
    xmlChar *s;
    int size;
    xmlDocDumpMemory(doc, &s, &size);
    if (s == NULL)
        throw std::bad_alloc();
    try {
        out = (char *)s;
    } catch (...) {

Something I wrote while ago. Hope it helps....

xmlDocPtr pDoc = ... // your xml docuemnt

xmlCharPtr psOutput;
int iSize;
xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc(pDoc, &psOutput, &iSize, "UTF-8", 1);

// psOutput should point to the string.

// Don't forget to free the memory.

If you use xmlDocDumpMemory() be careful. Call xmlCleanupParser() at the very end, after using xmlDocDumpMemory(). It seems like xmlDocDumpMemory() uses it internaly.

我无法得到你想要的东西但是在更改节点值之后你可以使用xmlDocDump 轻松保存它。

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