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Rails 3: ActiveRecord vs. DataMapper (vs. ???) for Legacy MySQL Databases

Which ORM is best to use with a new Rails 3 app against a legacy MySQL 5.1 database? I do not expect to ever run a migration against this database (though the schema may change from time to time), but I will certainly be writing to it.

I may be biased towards DataMapper, but I think DM is generally a good option for integrating with legacy databases.

  • DM allows you to map meaningful model and property names to cryptic legacy table and column naming conventions. It allows you to do so either on a per model/property, or an app wide basis.

  • DM supports lazy properties, that will only be fetched when actually accessed.

  • DM has seamless support for composite primary keys.

  • DM only cares about the properties (columns) you explicitly declare in your models. Other columns will never be touched or read.

  • DM works nice with foreign key constraints in your database and with the help of dm-constraints it also supports creating them.

There's some documentation on http://datamapper.org/docs/legacy too.

还有dm-types-legacy库(https://github.com/postmodern/dm-types-legacy),它提供了常见的DM类型,用于映射奇怪格式的数据(数字IP地址,HTML / URI编码文本,日期) /时间字符串)。

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