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valid html - '<' or '>' in between <script>tags

When I use the html validator:


It gives me an error. In the header of my page, I have something like this:

<script type="text/javascript"> 
        until: '+2d+3h+1m+6s',
        layout: '{d<}{dn} {dl}, {d>}{hnn}:{mnn}:{snn}'

The part within layout that is given a string contains a < . The validator is giving an error.

Do I just discount this, since it's part of a script tag? Is it something with the validator?

I know some might suggest putting it in an external file, but it's dynamic and I don't want to figure that out.

You wrap it with CDATA

<script type="text/javascript"> 
        until: '+2d+3h+1m+6s',
        layout: '{d<}{dn} {dl}, {d>}{hnn}:{mnn}:{snn}'

Reference: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/properly_using_css_and_javascript_in_xhtml_documents

As mentioned in the HTML 4 Recommendation's note about specifying non-HTML data in element content, end tags are recognized within SCRIPT elements, but other kinds of markup --such as start tags and comments--are not. This is an unintuitive quirk of SGML for elements defined to have CDATA content.


    <script type="text/javascript"> 
        until: '+2d+3h+1m+6s',
        layout: '{d<}{dn} {dl}, {d\>}{hnn}:{mnn}:{snn}'

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