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Html encoding in .NET class library

I have a utility class for sending emails. The emails are generated as html.

I'm having problems with encoding special characters which aren't getting displayed correctly.

However, I can't work out how to use HtmlEncode as I don't have a current HttpContext . Is there a .Net class which will translate special characters to html codes without running under Asp.Net ?

I hope that makes sense, I'm a bit flaky about how all this stuff works. Thanks!

I believe System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlEncode will provide this functionality. MSDN reference for WebUtility.HTMLEncode

You can import the System.Web namespace and use the HttpUtility class. Altohugh it's a Web assembly I don't think it's neccesary to be running under a Web environment for it to work.


You should really look into using the AntiXSS library of the WPL .

  1. You don't need System.Web!

  2. It uses a white-list inclusion principle ( System.Web encoding uses black-listing ). Only characters that are known to be safe will be trusted and all others will be properly encoded

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