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ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException Error but don't know why

So i am creating a class for "MiniString" which is just full of instance methods for the object MiniString, every MiniString has an instance variable that is a char[]. When testing my methods, I can't find where I am going wrong with my substring() method. There are two substring methods where one takes a parameter of int and the other takes two int parameters. I keep getting the error on the one int parameter method. The substring method is supposed to return a new MiniString formed of the characters between the position in the target Ministring specified by the int parameter, and the end of the target MiniString. The error I keep getting in my JUnit Tester is the following:

at MiniString.substring(MiniString.java:141)
at MiniString.substring(MiniString.java:159)

Here are my constructors for the object MiniString:

private char[] miniscule;

 MiniString(char[] array){
  int i = 0;
  miniscule = new char[array.length];
  while (i < array.length){
   miniscule[i] = array[i];
 MiniString(String string){
  int i = 0;
  miniscule = new char[string.length()];
  while (i < string.length()){
   this.miniscule[i] = string.charAt(i);

and here is the code for the two substring() methods:

public MiniString substring(int start, int end){
  int i = start; 
  if (end > start){
   char[] temp = new char[end - start];
   MiniString range = new MiniString(temp);
   while (i < end){
    range.miniscule[i] = this.miniscule[i];
   return range;
   char[] temp = new char[1];
   MiniString range = new MiniString(temp);
   range.miniscule[0] = 0;
   return range;
 public MiniString substring(int position){
  int start = position;
  int end = this.miniscule.length;
  char[] temp = new char[end - start];
  MiniString output = new MiniString(temp);

  output = substring(start, end);
  return output;

Thanks for your help!

In your first substring method, the line

range.miniscule[i] = this.miniscule[i];

is the most likely suspect. I expect you really want

range.miniscule[i - start] = this.miniscule[i];

String has substring methods that do approximately what you're doing here, but I presume you're doing this to learn, rather than reinventing string handling for a production use.

If you're using Java 6, you might also want to look at the Arrays.copyOfRange(T[] ts, int i, int i1) method, which does most of the work you're doing in your substring methods.

Don already pointed out where your problem lies, here are couple more thoughts for you

Example for string "hello"

  • Ok: start = 0, end = 5 => i = 0, range.length = 5 and range.miniscule[i] is inside range
  • Err: start = -1, end = 0 => i = -1, range.length = 1 but range.miniscule[i] is out of range for -1
  • Err: start = 4, end = 5 => i = 4, range.length = 1 but range.miniscule[i] is out of range
  • Err: start = 0, end = 7 => i = 0, this.miniscule[i] would fail for 5 and 6

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