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How do I write a regex expression saying 'and NO whitespaces'?

I was wondering how I would write a regex expression which says 'and NO whitespaces'.I need to implement this into the following if statement, see below:

    var postcode = $(this), val = postcode.val();

    if((val.length >= 5) && (*******)){ 
       postcode.val(val.slice(0, -3)+' '+val.slice(-3)).css('border','1px solid #a5acb2'); 
       $(this).css('border','1px solid red'); 

Any help is greatly appreciated, Thanks

Try this:

&& (!val.match(/\s/))

match return null if there are no spaces (or at least one space), so you can use it as a condition.

&& (val.indexOf(" ") == -1)


Would cleaning the whitespaces before line 3 of your code help? (probably less intrusive)

You can do both in the same regexp (guessing postcode is digits).

('1234567').match(/^\d{5,}$/) // ['1234567']
('1234').match(/^\d{5,}$/) // null
('12 34').match(/^\d{5,}$/) //null
('123 4567').match(/^\d{5,}$/) //null

so instead of:

if((val.length >= 5) && (*******)){


if(val.match(/^\d{5,}$/)) {

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