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Shell scripting and regular expressions (sed, awk, grep…?)

Let's say I have a file that looks like this:

user ID   time started  time ended yes/no 
3523         15:00          0        yes  
2356         12:13       12:18       yes  
4690         09:10          0        no  

I want to write shell script that will pick out all of the lines in the file that have a time ended of '0' and 'yes'.

For this example it'd be the first line only:

3523     15:00       0        yes  

awk '$3 == "0" && $4 == "yes" { print; }' myfile


grep '............................0........yes' myfile

grep -E '^[^ ]+ +[^ ]+ +0 +yes$' inputfile


grep -E '^([^ ]+ +){2}0 +yes$' inputfile


sed -n '/^\([^ ]\+ \+\)\{2\}0 \+yes$/p' inputfile


sed -nr '/^([^ ]+ +){2}0 +yes$/p' inputfile


 sed '/\s0\s\+yes\s*$/!d' inputfile

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