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How to auto generate Decorator pattern in C#

I have some interface, and a class implementing this interface, say:

interface IMyInterface
     void Func1();
     void Func2();

class Concrete : IMyInterface
     public virtual void Func1() { //do something }
     public virtual void Func2() { //do something }

Now, I want to create a class that decorates each of the concrete class methods with some specific logic, to be executed in non production environment, before and after the call.

class Decorator : Concrete
     public override void Func1() { Pre(); base.Func1; Post(); }
     public override void Func2() { Pre(); base.Func2; Post(); }

My question is there a simpler way to auto generate such class other than use reflection on the interface and create a text file with cs extension?

Personally I would just explicitly log where needed, but if you are set on using a decorator to do this you could use the RealProxy class .

It could look something like this:

public class DecoratorProxy<T> : RealProxy
    private T m_instance;

    public static T CreateDecorator<T>(T instance)
        var proxy = new DecoratorProxy<T>(instance);

    private DecoratorProxy(T instance) : base(typeof(T))
        m_instance = instance;

    public override IMessage Invoke(IMessage msg)
        IMethodCallMessage methodMessage = msg as IMethodCallMessage;
        if (methodMessage != null)
            // log method information

            //call method
            methodMessage.MethodBase.Invoke(m_instance, methodMessage.Args);
            return new ReturnMessage(retval, etc,etc);



I have written a T4 template capable of generating decorator for fairly complex classes based on some simple conventions. The project can be found on GitHub - T4Decorators . Works similar to T4MVC, that is where I got the idea.

Have you tried PostSharp ? It can help you automatically "instrument" classes and achieve your logging scenario without actually creating decorators.

What about the Logging Application block?


We have the same requirement and wrote a Roslyn generator to do this, take a look here: https://github.com/proactima/ProxyGen You need to modify the code slightly to fit your needs. Basically we wrap the methods of an interface (all from a certain namespace) in a 'ReliableServiceCall' method. It's trivial to modify this to do something else.

Could you use T4 and reflection?

Maybe these other questions could help:

Best approach here is to use Decorator Pattern via interfaces. I know this is a very old post, but if you use an IoC injector, like SimpleInjector, you can setup these decorator calls in 1 line of code. Then you can do something like this:

public class Decorator : IMyInterface
     private readonly IMyInterface _next;

     public Decorator (IMyInterface next) { _next = next; }

     public override void Func1() { Pre(); _next.Func1; Post(); }
     public virtual void Func2() { Pre(); _next.Func2; Post(); }

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