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Passing char pointer from C# to c++ function

I am stuck in c# implementation side, as I am pretty new to it. The thing is, I want to pass a 'pointer'(having memory) from c# code so that My c++ application can copy pchListSoftwares buffer to pchInstalledSoftwares. I am not able to figure out how to pass pointer from c# side.

native c++ code(MyNativeC++DLL.dll)

void GetInstalledSoftwares(char* pchInstalledSoftwares){
    char* pchListSoftwares = NULL; 
    pchListSoftwares = (char*) malloc(255);

    /* code to fill pchListSoftwares buffer*/

    memcpy(pchInstalledSoftwares, pchListSoftwares, 255);

    free(pchListSoftwares );


Passing simple 'string' is not working...

C# implementation

private static extern int GetInstalledSoftwares(string pchInstalledSoftwares);

static void Main(string[] args)
        string b = "";
        GetInstalledSoftwares(0, b);

Any kind of help is greatly appreciated...

Try using a StringBuilder

private static extern int GetInstalledSoftwares(StringBuilder pchInstalledSoftwares);

static void Main(string[] args)
        StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(255);
        GetInstalledSoftwares(0, b);

My mistake... remove 0 in call to GetInstalledSoftwares(0, b); .

Try to change the prototype line to:

private static extern int GetInstalledSoftwares(ref string pchInstalledSoftwares); 

(Send the string by reference).

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