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iterate over list of complex objects in JSON?

I build a list of objects to put into a JSON result:

Person personA = new Person("nameA", "age");
Person personB = new Person("nameB", "age");
Person personC = new Person("nameC", "age");

List<Car> cars = new ArrayList<Car>();

cars.add(new Car("Blue", "Small", personA));
cars.add(new Car("Green", "Big", personB));
cars.add(new Car("Red", "Big", personC));

and in my JSON result map, I put:

result.put("cars", cars);

How to iterate over this collection in JavaScript. I need to have access in object's "deep" elements.

            someId: someId}, function (ans){

  //I want something like this
  foreach(car in ans.cars){


result map private Map<String,List<Car>> result = 
        new HashMap<String, List<Car>>();

    result.put("cars", cars);

but it seemes that this lists aren't sent to the client. I get this error in Chrome debugger:

ReferenceError: value is not defined
... failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)

ANSWER: Error was because I was serializing objects that had hibernante annotations. I created Bean objects that and serialized them and now the serialization (and iteration is working)


  for(var i = 0, car; car = ans.cars[i]; ++i){

There's the functional style:

ans.cars.forEach(function(car) {
  // do something with ‘car’

This is standard ECMAScript 5. As you've tagged this “jquery”, you may want to try the jQuery version instead if you don't want to rely on Array.forEach to be there:

$.each(ans.cars, function(index, car) {
  // do something with ‘car’

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