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C++ Function Pointer as Default Template Argument

how do I write a function pointer as default template argument, I'am guessing to write it like this:

template<typename R,
         typename A,
         typename F=R (*PF)(A)> 
class FunctionPtr { ...

my question is,

1.is it possible?

2.if it is and my guess code above is correct, what the purpose of PF here? do I need this?

  1. Yes
  2. No, you don't need PF.

     template<typename R, typename A, typename F=R (*)(A)> 
  1. Yes, it is possible
  2. The PF not only is useless but must be removed in this context. It would, for example, be necessary in the context of a function pointer declaration :

     int (*PF)(double) = &A::foo; // declares a 'PF' variable of type 'int (*)(double)' 

    but it is neither required nor legal here.

I suggest typedef ing pointer to function. typedef R (*PF)(A); then give PF as a default template argument.

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