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C++ Pointer to Member Function as Template Default Argument

is it possible, like this:

template< typename C,
          typename R,
          typename A,
          typename F=R (C::*)(A) >
class MemberFuncPtr { ...

Yes, it is perfectly valid.

class X {
    void Y() {

int main() {
    MemberFuncPtr<X, void, void> func;

Build succeeded.

Actually,it seems pretty right to me, I do not get any errors for this piece of code:

template< typename C, 
          typename R, 
          typename A, 
          typename F=R (C::*)(A) > 
class MemberFuncPtr
        C & Cmember;
        F f;
        MemberFuncPtr(C & c, F func):Cmember(c), f(func) {}
        R DoIt(A & a)
                return (Cmember.*f)(a);
class classA
        int toInt(double aa)
                return int(aa);
int main()
        classA aInstance;
        MemberFuncPtr<classA,int,double> xx(aInstance,&classA::toInt); 
        return 0;

You can observe the code here .

Using typedef will make your code more user-friendly. Just typedef pointer to function, then use it as other types.

At first you can write template wrapper:

template < typename C >
class CWrapper
 typedef R(C::func*)(A);
 C* realC;
 Cwrapper(C* c):realC(c){}

then write you class this way:

template < typename C,
           typename R,
           typename F = C::func >
class MemberFuncPtr{...

then make MemberFuncPtr< CWrapper <C>, R> memFuncPtr;

Corrected Sad_man's code with some C++0x magic: http://ideone.com/rng6V (probably not gonna work for you, as not many compilers has C++0x :-|)

Works with rvalues and there is example how to achieve what you want with lambda functions.

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