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jQuery innerhtml Table

I'm using AJAX to return me a complete table that has been generated by a JSP (using Spring MVC). However, this doesn't seem to work. I tried at first just returning a simple list of names with
elements and this executed fine, but it won't let me insert the table, it just doesn't display anything.

function displaySubMenu(niveauId){
    $.get("submenu.htm",{ niveau : niveauId },function(data){

This ajax request returns me a table like the one here :http://pastebin.com/7BGFLPH2

Anyone got an idea why this doesn't work and what I should use?

Have you tried to trace the problem?


function displaySubMenu(niveauId){
    $.get("submenu.htm",{ niveau : niveauId },function(data){

Does this display the table data?

If so, then $('#submenu') is the problem. I would start by making it visible and avoid all effects until you're sure it's working.

I hope this helps.

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