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Vim Auto Indent with newline

How do I get vim to place the cursor within the braces starting on a new line, ie with | denoting the cursor position :

class {

right now with my settings it only does this

class {

I got this in my .vimrc file set autoindent shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 noexpandtab

Basically I just want how a normal IDE would indent it.


I found how to do this with inoremap { {<CR>}<Esc>O

I have Ubuntu 12.04 and I found no vimrc file in home directory. Global vimrc file was in /etc/vim/vimrc .
There was almost nothing in this file. So for me it worked to add this 3 lines to the end of /etc/vim/vimrc

set autoindent
set cindent
inoremap { {<CR>}<up><end><CR>

When you will type { next time it will be changed by combination { , Enter, } , up, end, Enter. cindent and autoindent will add required amount of Tab's.
PS I'm not good in tuning up vim so some explanations may be not so accurate. It's how I think it works.

I found that delimitMate does exactly what you describe and more (that is, automatically inserting the ending } ). Note you have to tell delimitMate to expand carriage returns by adding let delimitMate_expand_cr=1 to your config.

From my observation, this is exactly the behaviour found in TextMate and SublimeText.

Put this in your .vimrc :

imap <C-Return> <CR><CR><C-o>k<Tab>

Assuming autoindent and smartindent are set correctly, typing Ctrl + Return between braces will put your cursor where you want it to be.

autoindent refers to it carrying over the current indentation level onto subsequent lines. To get it to indent according to syntax, you need to specify a flag like smartindent or cindent as well.

I wrote this in my .vimrc

inoremap <expr> <CR> InsertMapForEnter()
function! InsertMapForEnter()
    if pumvisible()
        return "\<C-y>"
    elseif strcharpart(getline('.'),getpos('.')[2]-1,1) == '}'
        return "\<CR>\<Esc>O"
    elseif strcharpart(getline('.'),getpos('.')[2]-1,2) == '</'
        return "\<CR>\<Esc>O"
        return "\<CR>"

The code above first check if you are using Enter to do confirm a code completion, if not it will indent the {|} when you type Enter . Also, it provides html tags auto indent.

For your problem:

class {|}

press Enter and you will get

class {

press Enter and you will get


At bottom of the file, I'm using:

# vim: ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 sr noet st ai si

For example Dockerfile :

FROM centos-7
RUN ...
CMD ...

# vim: ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 sr noet st ai si

If you want keep the indentation only, use # vim: st ai si

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