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Javascript event custom property disappears

I have an iFrame inside my document, which at one point triggers a custom event:

function notifyEnd(gameStatus) {
    var fireOnThis = parent.document;
    var evObj = document.createEvent('Event');
    evObj.gameStatus = gameStatus;
    evObj.initEvent('gameEnd', true, true);

Please note the gameStatus property set on the event.

My document registers an event listener for this event:

document.addEventListener('gameEnd', function(e) {
    document.getElementById("gameEndForm:gameStatus").value = e.gameStatus;
}, true);

However, when the event is fired, the "gameStatus" property has an "undefined" value. I couldn't find any clue as to what could cause such a behaviour.

Thanks for your help,

Seems to me that you want to use a MessageEvent and use the data parameter of initMessageEvent.


You can use JSON is you want to pass more than just one string.

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